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Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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Originally Posted by karma 6oclock
Where is the proof that LindaSOG is not at CP? I think she is.

There are plenty of posters over there that they don't like.

Where is the proof that she is?

There is plenty of proof over there about exactly what they think of her, so trying to paint her as some kind of lurking genius who pulled her stunt under the aegis of CP membership isn't feasible.

But there is proof that LindaSOG was a member of the Canteen, and one that was highly supported and visible. She still is very visible at a few conservative sites, with her LindaSOG designation. Should those sites be given a verbal trashing for being "responsible" for LindaSOG's stunt?

Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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Originally Posted by WORKtoRetire
Well Merc, how embarassing would it be if the Linda here is in fact LindaSOG and Txradio is accusing CP members of doing the very thing that Linda did at the Canteen.

Very much so. Which is why I asked txradioguy who the CPer was. If he's mistaken, best to stop with the CP Porn Pic Pirates accusation right now.

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Originally Posted by Mercuria

When approached by a member of the Canteen with questions, that member was banned from FR.

When approached by people outside their circle, PP refused to produce anything concrete proving their legal right to solicit donations then or now on the grounds that the critics will talk trash about them and besides, they aren't legally required to be transparent about the organization. That's what was said, but with no supporting, concrete evidence to show how exactly they were given legal exemption from reporting to their donors their activities.

I edited out some of what you said... but if the above is true.. then IMO, PP should step up to the plate. Do you think PP is scamming it's donors, or do you think they are simply in their infancy, and havent gotten things organized yet? I find it hard to believe that they are actually scamming people. Oh, have you contacted some of the other donationsfortroops sites, and asked for specifics on donations?

It would be interesting to see how they responded.

Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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Originally Posted by Jumpserve
I edited out some of what you said... but if the above is true.. then IMO, PP should step up to the plate. Do you think PP is scamming it's donors, or do you think they are simply in their infancy, and havent gotten things organized yet? I find it hard to believe that they are actually scamming people.

I'm not in any position to speculate on that. My focus is on their legitimacy then and now to collect funds at all.

Originally Posted by Jumpserve
Oh, have you contacted some of the other donationsfortroops sites, and asked for specifics on donations?

As I said, right now my focus is on PP and its legitimacy then and now to solicit and collect donations. Other sites produce this information up front or on request, without hiding behind unofficial spokespeople to tell an incomplete or changing story about these issues and without giving lame rationales for not being open because of "enemies" using such information against them.

And the longer they hold out, the worse they look. Maybe not to their personal friends who trust them and who are unaware of how badly even supporters of the Canteen are treated for asking questions, but to the outside doesn't look good.

LindaSoG LindaSoG is offline
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Originally Posted by karma 6oclock
Where is the proof that LindaSOG is not at CP? I think she is.

Yes, its me, its really really me. I used my personal email address from my personal website so there can be no doubt. And I did it just to clear a few things up.

Now, as for the Clown Posse, I am not registered there, I don't post there, and I don't read it, except when I get an email from someone to tell me they're talking about my chin again. Ha! If you look on their old site, you'll likely find out that they think I'm really a man. They said some pretty harsh things about me, based on fraudulent emails that I never wrote, sent to them by people that everyone knows make up fraudulent emails. Oh well. That's how it goes on the internet.

That was a long time ago, and I've moved on to other things. Why is that everytime someone farts in the canteen, I get to hear from freepers asking me about it? I have nothing to do with it anymore and I'm over it.

I have an account at Liberty Post, same user name, same email address. I had it before I got banned from FR, but I haven't posted there in a long time. I used to like to mess around with the Jew haters there every now and then, but I got bored with them after a while.

I have nothing to hide, I haven't changed my name, or my website or my email address. Everywhere I post, I post under this name. Whoever Linda is on this board, she's not me.

Now, as for the porn, first of all, it was really soft porn. And I did it because I wanted Jim to take down the threads so I didn't have to pay for the bandwidth. And I did it after asking Jim to either take down the threads or change the graphics to another server. I gave him over a month to do it. The only response I got from him was "go away." So I went away.

A graphic or two in the general scheme of things means nothing to me, but I had years of threads at FR with thousands of graphics, the bandwidth bill was unbelievable and it had to stop. Jim collects plenty for bandwidth, it wasn't that much to ask.

Surprisingly, Jim still wouldn't nuke me and the last time I looked, I was still getting freepmail. Can't send any, but I can get it. Go figure!

I've been hotlinked here before, so what? I've also been hotlinked on Free Republic several times in the past few months and many times right before and right after the 2004 election, so what? Mercuria, if you have concerns, do what you think you need to do. I'm not going to worry about it.

I have nothing to do with Proud Patriots. Caro started it on her own. I haven't talked to Caro or HiJinx since I left FR, and really, I don't expect to ever talk to them again.

I have nothing to do with the Canteen anymore, I have no dog in this fight.

Please people, leave me out of it.

Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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Originally Posted by LindaSoG
Please people, leave me out of it.

I'd just as soon forget this crap as anyone, but the fact is, the concept of a CPer posting porn in the Canteen, however soft, in the middle of a thread absolutely unrelated to that issue was brought up by one of your former close buddies and compatriots from the Canteen. You have issues about it? Take it up with them. I have no personal stake in any of that. They may, however.

No matter what the actual reason for your banning at FR or whatever you say about the reasons for it, the fact is you did replace your Canteen pix with porn and actually registered here to rationalize it on this thread, of all things, as you have before rationalized supporting Snow Bunny's fraudulent activities.

And it would seem that on both issues you excuse yourself for your actions without shame or apology. Heck, Linda, on another site where you are a member, you actually agreed with someone who replaced a graphic on his website hotlinked by another site he didn't like that putting porn in its place "works well too".

So I hope you'll excuse me for getting the impression that, barring anything more recently you may have posted about your shenanigans at the Canteen, this goes beyond your impulsive action in short-lived anger to replace service pix with porn, however "soft", at the Canteen several months before that post of yours at MightyRighty.

And I've yet to see anything from you anywhere reflecting that you regret the actions that caused what was supposed to be a service-focused daily thread on FR to turn into a greater problem than it had already become.

You state issues of bandwidth, but please, could have simply left a "dead" link by removing all photos and it would've taken up the exact amount of bandwidth it's taking up now.

Were you thinking of the servicepeople and vets who came to that thread on a regular basis when you replaced your photos? I'd bet a ten-spot of my household pin money that you weren't.

What's more, I'd be willing to bet another ten spot on who you were thinking of when you did it, and who you are thinking of at this late date in signing up on this board after all this time to continue rationalizing the reasons you did it.

Perhaps they are the same reasons why some folks from the Canteen, including those who comprise the membership of ProudPatriots, rationalize treating folks who truly care about our servicepeople and our vets like persona non grata when they asked reasonable questions about organizational legality to make certain that an org that represents servicepeople and vets is above reproach in this time of highly-energized rhetoric about this war and hard questions to those who give aid and comfort to our own military.

And those reasons, I strongly suspect, would be matters of ego and pride and powerplays and viewing their contributions as greater than that of respected, long-established organizations...and at times, of greater import than those who actually serve.

You could have left dead links for all your beefing about bandwidth costs if they were too great for you, or could've left your original photos up for the enjoyment of the servicepeople and vets who visited the Canteen. People have certainly made greater financial - nay, personal - sacrifices than the price of extra bandwidth for military service people to enjoy photos on a website thread supposedly dedicated to their enjoyment and comfort.

But in all honesty, "unappeasable" and "kook" and "Bush-basher" that I'm made out to be, I've never felt the need to recoup my time or whatever expense I thought was due to me at FR or any damn where else by treating folks and visitors there whom I claimed to respect as targets for personal wrath over issues they had nothing to do with.

So even though CP and I have our big differences and I'm not "their kind of girl", when a current member of the Canteen is running a campaign against a former member like Diva for joining a "site that posts porn on the Canteen" (paraphrased) and there's only one person well-known in the history of FR for having done that...well, it's just a matter of being honest about who the real culprit was for that little prank.

And anyone who was truly repentant of such a stunt would not have any problems with it being brought up, because it's so easy to say "I was wrong" when one realizes one is wrong.

It's only folks who rationalize and make excuses for themselves and attempt to pretend they never screwed up who have the toughest time hearing the mention of their more purulent past actions...which usually are left lying if said person of action actually is honest enough to admit when s/he is wrong. Sure, admitting such may preclude you from entering the political arena, but that's a good deal of the time only for folks who want to sell out anyway. Heh.

You'll find yourself much tougher and life much easier if you lay the blame where it belongs - on yourself who performed these pranks without apology and on those who bring it up because they were screwed by someone and either just can't remember exactly whom or are in denial over the fact that it was one of their own.

You'd be surprised, perhaps, on how much better you feel and how much better you are respected, if not liked, all around if you are big enough to admit the God-honest truth that as a human being you're subject to some pretty rank feelings and actions and that not all of them are motivated or rationalized out of the purest and best that is in human nature.

No-one will criticize or will be able to mock you for the flaw of being a human being if you admit this. Everyone screws up in this life, and those who claim they haven't are lying to themselves and every other person they encounter anywhere.

And just to keep this thread on topic...the same goes for ProudPatriots, who could easily enough admit without losing face that they didn't know the legal ins and outs of starting a service org (my goodness, what high-rolling professionals wouldn't any one of us need to sort all that federal and state tax and charity status stuff out!) and also act to put a stop to the criticism if they'd just be forthcoming with the proper information about legal status and other issues that any donor would request of an organization that provides no material goods to the purchaser for money but ensures the money will go to a worthy mission elsewhere.

Either that, or they can produce the necessary and verifiable information proving they've always been and still are good to go legally on collecting donations from one group of folks to be slated for goods for another group of folks.

Any service org that balks at providing such information, no matter the personal feelings of whoever requests it towards those from whom he is requesting it, looks pretty damned shady.

I thought conservatives were supposed to be against even the appearance of impropriety and bad faith with folks. Or is everyone here so geeked up on being "cool conservatives" and anonymous keyboard cowboy gunslingers on a personal vendetta with their exciting trash-talk and uninhibited vulgarity that they forgot that conservatives are supposed to stand for something classier and more important than that?

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Originally Posted by Mercuria
You've mentioned this several times on this thread. Care to share the evidence?

I'd sure like to know who at CP did something like that.

I would too. I saw a few of the pics before they were removed. Then saw the boasts that somone in the canteen linked to.

It's been a couple years since anyone from CP has tried this stunt.

And no it wasn't LindaSOG that I was referring to.

Last time I checked...she and I are still friends.

"Gentlemen, take off your hats to the Old Guard of the Army." - Gen. Winfield Scott

In Memory Of My Friend 1st Sgt. Tim Millsap A Co, 70th Eng. Bn. 3rd Bde 1st AD...K.I.A. 25 April 2005

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Originally Posted by Mercuria
I'd just as soon forget this crap as anyone, but the fact is, the concept of a CPer posting porn in the Canteen, however soft, in the middle of a thread absolutely unrelated to that issue was brought up by one of your former close buddies and compatriots from the Canteen. You have issues about it? Take it up with them. I have no personal stake in any of that. They may, however.

No matter what the actual reason for your banning at FR or whatever you say about the reasons for it, the fact is you did replace your Canteen pix with porn and actually registered here to rationalize it on this thread, of all things, as you have before rationalized supporting Snow Bunny's fraudulent activities.

And it would seem that on both issues you excuse yourself for your actions without shame or apology. Heck, Linda, on another site where you are a member, you actually agreed with someone who replaced a graphic on his website hotlinked by another site he didn't like that putting porn in its place "works well too".

So I hope you'll excuse me for getting the impression that, barring anything more recently you may have posted about your shenanigans at the Canteen, this goes beyond your impulsive action in short-lived anger to replace service pix with porn, however "soft", at the Canteen several months before that post of yours at MightyRighty.

And I've yet to see anything from you anywhere reflecting that you regret the actions that caused what was supposed to be a service-focused daily thread on FR to turn into a greater problem than it had already become.

You state issues of bandwidth, but please, could have simply left a "dead" link by removing all photos and it would've taken up the exact amount of bandwidth it's taking up now.

Were you thinking of the servicepeople and vets who came to that thread on a regular basis when you replaced your photos? I'd bet a ten-spot of my household pin money that you weren't.

What's more, I'd be willing to bet another ten spot on who you were thinking of when you did it, and who you are thinking of at this late date in signing up on this board after all this time to continue rationalizing the reasons you did it.

Perhaps they are the same reasons why some folks from the Canteen, including those who comprise the membership of ProudPatriots, rationalize treating folks who truly care about our servicepeople and our vets like persona non grata when they asked reasonable questions about organizational legality to make certain that an org that represents servicepeople and vets is above reproach in this time of highly-energized rhetoric about this war and hard questions to those who give aid and comfort to our own military.

And those reasons, I strongly suspect, would be matters of ego and pride and powerplays and viewing their contributions as greater than that of respected, long-established organizations...and at times, of greater import than those who actually serve.

You could have left dead links for all your beefing about bandwidth costs if they were too great for you, or could've left your original photos up for the enjoyment of the servicepeople and vets who visited the Canteen. People have certainly made greater financial - nay, personal - sacrifices than the price of extra bandwidth for military service people to enjoy photos on a website thread supposedly dedicated to their enjoyment and comfort.

But in all honesty, "unappeasable" and "kook" and "Bush-basher" that I'm made out to be, I've never felt the need to recoup my time or whatever expense I thought was due to me at FR or any damn where else by treating folks and visitors there whom I claimed to respect as targets for personal wrath over issues they had nothing to do with.

So even though CP and I have our big differences and I'm not "their kind of girl", when a current member of the Canteen is running a campaign against a former member like Diva for joining a "site that posts porn on the Canteen" (paraphrased) and there's only one person well-known in the history of FR for having done that...well, it's just a matter of being honest about who the real culprit was for that little prank.

And anyone who was truly repentant of such a stunt would not have any problems with it being brought up, because it's so easy to say "I was wrong" when one realizes one is wrong.

It's only folks who rationalize and make excuses for themselves and attempt to pretend they never screwed up who have the toughest time hearing the mention of their more purulent past actions...which usually are left lying if said person of action actually is honest enough to admit when s/he is wrong. Sure, admitting such may preclude you from entering the political arena, but that's a good deal of the time only for folks who want to sell out anyway. Heh.

You'll find yourself much tougher and life much easier if you lay the blame where it belongs - on yourself who performed these pranks without apology and on those who bring it up because they were screwed by someone and either just can't remember exactly whom or are in denial over the fact that it was one of their own.

You'd be surprised, perhaps, on how much better you feel and how much better you are respected, if not liked, all around if you are big enough to admit the God-honest truth that as a human being you're subject to some pretty rank feelings and actions and that not all of them are motivated or rationalized out of the purest and best that is in human nature.

No-one will criticize or will be able to mock you for the flaw of being a human being if you admit this. Everyone screws up in this life, and those who claim they haven't are lying to themselves and every other person they encounter anywhere.

And just to keep this thread on topic...the same goes for ProudPatriots, who could easily enough admit without losing face that they didn't know the legal ins and outs of starting a service org (my goodness, what high-rolling professionals wouldn't any one of us need to sort all that federal and state tax and charity status stuff out!) and also act to put a stop to the criticism if they'd just be forthcoming with the proper information about legal status and other issues that any donor would request of an organization that provides no material goods to the purchaser for money but ensures the money will go to a worthy mission elsewhere.

Either that, or they can produce the necessary and verifiable information proving they've always been and still are good to go legally on collecting donations from one group of folks to be slated for goods for another group of folks.

Any service org that balks at providing such information, no matter the personal feelings of whoever requests it towards those from whom he is requesting it, looks pretty damned shady.

I thought conservatives were supposed to be against even the appearance of impropriety and bad faith with folks. Or is everyone here so geeked up on being "cool conservatives" and anonymous keyboard cowboy gunslingers on a personal vendetta with their exciting trash-talk and uninhibited vulgarity that they forgot that conservatives are supposed to stand for something classier and more important than that?

Wow talk about a long winded diatribe. Thank you for cementing for those following along the REAL reason for the attack on PP. It's notthat you dislike's that you think you've found a way to get at JimRob and you're doing it by trashing a legitimate organization dedicated to helping me and my fellow soldiers.

This isn't really about "transperancy"...or holding PP's feet to the fire about alleged "fraud"'s about the fact that all of you are pissed that for whatever reason...the owner of a website chose to ban you from HIS website.

Guess what....get over it's his right to do so. Just as it's Rob and Gators right to do that to people they don't believe should be at CU.

But it's the epitome of shallowness and self centered egotisim to "get back" at FR by trashing ProudPatriots.

I bet if the folks on here that are defending this baseless attack on PP would reveal their former FR screen names...I could probably point to the reasons you were banned.

Jesus people...get over yourselves.

"Gentlemen, take off your hats to the Old Guard of the Army." - Gen. Winfield Scott

In Memory Of My Friend 1st Sgt. Tim Millsap A Co, 70th Eng. Bn. 3rd Bde 1st AD...K.I.A. 25 April 2005

Misery Misery is offline
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15 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by txradioguy
I would too. I saw a few of the pics before they were removed ... It's been a couple years since anyone from CP has tried this stunt.

BS Artist.

Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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13 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by txradioguy
I would too. I saw a few of the pics before they were removed. Then saw the boasts that somone in the canteen linked to.

It's been a couple years since anyone from CP has tried this stunt.

Who is the person from CP who tried this stunt? Name, please.

Did you see LindaSOG's post above?

Now, as for the porn, first of all, it was really soft porn. And I did it because I wanted Jim to take down the threads so I didn't have to pay for the bandwidth. And I did it after asking Jim to either take down the threads or change the graphics to another server. I gave him over a month to do it. The only response I got from him was "go away." So I went away.

She admitted right here on CU that she did it. Of course, anything is possible. Could be a troll. Have Management check the e-mail address she signed up with here. Is it hers?

Then ask Tonk. Ask Mojo. Ask the Mods who undoubtedly spent many hours cleaning up after Linda's prank.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
And no it wasn't LindaSOG that I was referring to.

Even though it was Linda who pulled that switch at the Canteen and stated her approval of such methods of revenge at MightyRighty?

If there was another incident of this kind of punking on the Canteen thread, then name the CPer who did it.

Mercuria Mercuria is offline
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12 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by txradioguy
Wow talk about a long winded diatribe. Thank you for cementing for those following along the REAL reason for the attack on PP. It's notthat you dislike's that you think you've found a way to get at JimRob

Aside from your activities on his website and PP's use of the Canteen to meet up every day, how is Jim Rob connected to PP that the examination of and the reporting of problems with PP off his website is in any way "getting at" Jim Rob?

Originally Posted by txradioguy
and you're doing it by trashing a legitimate organization dedicated to helping me and my fellow soldiers.

Please produce the links, hard evidence, documentation, etc., that prove conclusively that ProudPatriots has always had and still has at this moment the legal right solicit funds to help you and your friends in the service.

Failing that as you have now done for 10 pages, perhaps those following along will consider that very REAL reasons for your attacks on those who question PP are because PP is comprised of your close, personal friends from the Canteen who made certain that you and your service pals directly and personally benefitted from PP's activities.

Not that I begrudge that, but from what I gather, there are plenty of servicepeople who are enduring much greater hardship and deprivation than you are and it would seem there is a select group of people who have already received more than one care package from PP.

That's a bit of an eye-blinker considering there remains hundreds - indeed, thousands - of military folk in tighter binds and situations who are doing without. Even more so when one of the repeat recipients of PP donations becomes a message runner to create a smokescreen for PP in the face of questions and scrutiny.

Is that the reason you're being used for this purpose?

Originally Posted by txradioguy
This isn't really about "transperancy"...or holding PP's feet to the fire about alleged "fraud"'s about the fact that all of you are pissed that for whatever reason...the owner of a website chose to ban you from HIS website.

Click it. I dare you.

I reiterate...aside from your activities on his website and PP's use of the Canteen to meet up every day, how is Jim Rob connected to PP that the examination of and the reporting of problems with PP off his website is in any way "getting at" Jim Rob?

Originally Posted by txradioguy
Guess what....get over it's his right to do so. Just as it's Rob and Gators right to do that to people they don't believe should be at CU.

It's anybody's right to ban anyone from a message board if s/he owns the message board. Just like it's my right to criticize the rationale behind said bannings.

America. I love it.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
But it's the epitome of shallowness and self centered egotisim to "get back" at FR by trashing ProudPatriots.

One more time: Aside from your activities on his website and PP's use of the Canteen to meet up every day, how is Jim Rob connected to PP that the examination of and the reporting of problems with PP off his website is in any way "getting at" Jim Rob? Y'all joined at the hip with him or something? If so, it's the first I've heard of it.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
I bet if the folks on here that are defending this baseless attack on PP would reveal their former FR screen names...I could probably point to the reasons you were banned.

Have another look, son:

See the sign-up date? I'm Old Guard at FR, if you will.

Oh, you do see the sign-up date? What does it mean when you click my FR homepage link and see the page with my sign-up date?

Last time I checked, it meant that it's an active account.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
Jesus people...get over yourselves.

A man who has filled pages and pages here with the insistence that an organization should be exempt from scrutiny and trusted completely simply because he got something out of it is not exactly a believable preacher of selflessness...or a model of objectivity.

**Grammar clean-up edit**

Last edited by Mercuria : 12 Hours Ago at 10:30 AM .

the pig lord the pig lord is offline
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Originally Posted by txradioguy
I would too. I saw a few of the pics before they were removed. Then saw the boasts that somone in the canteen linked to.

Pony up, trg - show the boast.

Of course, you can't, because, as usual, you lie.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
It's been a couple years since anyone from CP has tried this stunt.

Er, you might want to rethink that one, sonny. CP has only been around since September '04.

Originally Posted by txradioguy
And no it wasn't LindaSOG that I was referring to.

Last time I checked...she and I are still friends.

That's the best one by far, and explains everything we need to know about you. So how go the convos with LenoSAG, eh, trg? Stirring? LOL

Last edited by daveman : 11 Hours Ago at 11:17 AM . Reason: Remove real name. Privacy Act of 1974 applies.

the pig lord the pig lord is offline
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Oh, and hey trg? Humor us. Let us all know where you were and what you got when the packages arrived. Did you share? Did you pass anything on?

Is PP aiding people who aren't FReeps, or is it just sending goodies to a small number of FReeps (or otherwise assisting a couple of them with enough to accomplish a bit of self-aggrandizement within their units)?

Since you've been a "multiple recipient" of PP largesse, why try to obstruct transparency and accountability? You muffed it on the LenoSAG porn images thing, you've apparently muffed your career (14 years to E-4, ROFLMAO), you've apparently muffed things with your parents, and now you expect us to believe you when you pretend that all is well within PP?

Hell, you couldn't even exercise common sense and discretion when calling DBR out.


Last edited by daveman : 11 Hours Ago at 11:18 AM . Reason: Remove real name. Privacy Act of 1974 applies.

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11 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by Misery
BS Artist.

Meh! Another CP moron comes here to question my integrity.

Excuse me if I'm less than impressed.

"Gentlemen, take off your hats to the Old Guard of the Army." - Gen. Winfield Scott

In Memory Of My Friend 1st Sgt. Tim Millsap A Co, 70th Eng. Bn. 3rd Bde 1st AD...K.I.A. 25 April 2005

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11 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by Mercuria

Please produce the links, hard evidence, documentation, etc., that prove conclusively that ProudPatriots has always had and still has at this moment the legal right solicit funds to help you and your friends in the service.

Failing that as you have now done for 10 pages, perhaps those following along will consider that very REAL reasons for your attacks on those who question PP are because PP is comprised of your close, personal friends from the Canteen who made certain that you and your service pals directly and personally benefitted from PP's activities.

Not that I begrudge that, but from what I gather, there are plenty of servicepeople who are enduring much greater hardship and deprivation than you are and it would seem there is a select group of people who have already received more than one care package from PP.

That's a bit of an eye-blinker considering there remains hundreds - indeed, thousands - of military folk in tighter binds and situations who are doing without. Even more so when one of the repeat recipients of PP donations becomes a message runner to create a smokescreen for PP in the face of questions and scrutiny.

Is that the reason you're being used for this purpose?

Click it. I dare you.

I reiterate...aside from your activities on his website and PP's use of the Canteen to meet up every day, how is Jim Rob connected to PP that the examination of and the reporting of problems with PP off his website is in any way "getting at" Jim Rob?

It's anybody's right to ban anyone from a message board if s/he owns the message board. Just like it's my right to criticize the rationale behind said bannings.

America. I love it.

One more time: Aside from your activities on his website and PP's use of the Canteen to meet up every day, how is Jim Rob connected to PP that the examination of and the reporting of problems with PP off his website is in any way "getting at" Jim Rob? Y'all joined at the hip with him or something? If so, it's the first I've heard of it.

Have another look, son:

See the sign-up date? I'm Old Guard at FR, if you will.

Oh, you do see the sign-up date? What does it mean when you click my FR homepage link and see the page with my sign-up date?

Last time I checked, it meant that it's an active account.

A man who has filled pages and pages here with the insistence that an organization should be exempt from scrutiny and trusted completely simply because he got something out of it is not exactly a believable preacher of selflessness...or a model of objectivity.


**Grammar clean-up edit**[/quote]

"Gentlemen, take off your hats to the Old Guard of the Army." - Gen. Winfield Scott

In Memory Of My Friend 1st Sgt. Tim Millsap A Co, 70th Eng. Bn. 3rd Bde 1st AD...K.I.A. 25 April 2005

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